Arrowhead fPVN

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The Arrowhead flexible Production Value Network (fPVN) project will provide autonomous and evolvable interoperability of information through machine-interpretable content for fPVN stakeholders. The resulting technology is projected to substantially impact manufacturing productivity and flexibility.

Autonomous and evolvable interoperability will be achieved through common project technology based on three pillars:

The project is a continuation of Arrowhead Tools, one of the most ambitious digitalization endeavors of the (now-closed) Horizon 2020 EU research funding program. Arrowhead fPVN is a joint effort of 43 partners from 13 countries, proudly coordinated by Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.

Project structure and IncQuery’s contribution

IncQuery is participating in both the core research activities related to industrial standards, their alignments and the future of industrial ecosystems - and also in prototyping related to various modes of translating data between established standards, in order to increase their usability and performance in complex and heterogeneous engineering scenarios.

The overall working structure of the project can be seen in the following figure.

IncQuery’s main technological contributions pertain to Work Packages 3 and 4:

WP3 - Major standardized data models: WP3 will develop the second of the three building blocks for future PVNs. WP3 addresses the definition and selection of data model languages, providing guidelines and tools for the use cases.

WP4 - Automated data model translations: WP4 will develop the last of the three building blocks. WP4 addresses investigation of ML/AI approaches/ algorithms and their capability and feasibility of providing translation between major data model languages, testing translation with data from several use cases, provisioning a micro-service-based translation.

IncQuery is the leader of Task 3.3, focusing on deployment solutions for heterogeneous data models in an industrial setting. Moreover, within Task 4.3, we take a major part in developing model-based translations between realistic data models provided by the use cases. Among these, our focus lies in WP6: automotive scenarios.

The project has a duration of 3 years, with internal milestones and deliverables planned every 6 months. Each year, we report project progress to KDT, the EU-level funding organization.


Funding organization

This project has received funding from Chips Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 101111977. The Chips JU receives support from the European Commission.

Project no. 2022-1.2.8-KDT-2023-00003 has been implemented with the support provided from the National Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary, financed under the 2022-1.2.8-KDT funding scheme.


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