An important scientific result in the automotive industry

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences reported on a great success of MTA-BME Lendület Research Group’s led by Dániel Varró.
January 11, 2018

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences reported on a great success of MTA-BME Lendület Research Group’s led by Dániel Varró, co-founder and co-owner of IncQuery Labs.

Dániel Varró, Oszkár Semeráth and András Szabolcs Nagy developed a software prototype that can revolutionize an important part of automotive indusrty, based ont he VIATRA open source software framework. They propose a graph solver framework for the automated generation of consistent domain-specific instance models which operates directly over graphs by combining advanced techniques such as refinement of partial models, shape analysis, incremental graph query evaluation, and rule-based design space exploration to provide a more efficient guidance. IncQuery Labs performs the industrial evaluation of the results.

The paper, entitled „A Graph Solver for the Automated Generation of Consistent Domain-Specific Models” has been accepted and will be presented in the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering. Hungarian researchers present their scientific results for the first time in 22 years.

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